Sunday, 16 December 2012

A short reflection on the Confirmation class in Siddhpur

Completing the Sacraments of Christian Initiation  
We in Siddhpur have four young people receiving the sacrament of Confirmation and one little girl receiving Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion. These candidates were very regular, enthusiastic in attending the catechetical instruction dispensed by Fr. Xavier James and also very participative in several activities which were conducted. Some of them would spend Rs. 60 daily to come for the class. They together with their parents attended the funeral of Fr. Ignas at Unteshwari to inculcate in them greater respect and gratitude for the priests who served them in the past. Mr. Simon of Palanpur met with an accident and is admitted since two months at Mehsana Hospital. We intended to help the family financially and all responded very generously and helped the family with our collection. This brings forth the witnessing value in the children and parents as well. As these young people are preparing to receive the Sacraments may the Lord guide and help them to continue to be better witnesses of the Kingdom of God in this unknown vicinity. (16th Dec.2012)

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