Tuesday 19 March 2013

Principle Teaching of Sirach (Wisdom Literature of the Holy Bible) by Xavier James.



One of the longest books in the Old Testament is the book of Sirach and since it is a deutero-canonical book it is not accepted by the Protestants. It was first written in Hebrew and the grandson of Jesus (not the New Testament Jesus) had it translated into Greek during the Hellenist period. This is the only author whom we know from the Bible because of the prologue written by the grandson. Ben Sira (Jesus) was from Jerusalem (50:27) and lived in the 3rd or early 2nd century B.C. We also learn that he devoted himself to the studying of the law, prophets and writings, moreover he was highly respected scribe and teacher who ran a wisdom school for young Jewish men (51:23-30). He traveled extensively and came in contact with other cultures and wisdom traditions, thus acquiring much cleverness (34:10-13), he was deeply rooted Jew. Though he learnt a lot about the other cultures still he was staunch in the Jewish custom and culture (39:1-11). He did not write this book for personal gain (51:25) but for all those who seek instruction (33:18).


Ben Sira lived during the Hellenistic period. When Alexander the great died his kingdom was divided among his army chiefs namely Ptolemy and Seleucids. Later on Seleucids defeated Ptolemy and brought the whole kingdom under his rule. He was the great promoter of Hellenization. It was a great pressure and threat to the Jewish people because they had to change their lives according to the Greek culture. They forced the Jews to change their names, dress, language, religion in order to be recognized by the society. The Greek Art, Philosophy, Literature, Culture were very attractive and so many Jews were tempted to change and in fact did so. The logo was “Adapt Greek ways and Greek wisdom and you too will be successful”. And in this crucial situation and deep struggle the Jews were confused about what to do, and here Ben Sira comes very strongly into the picture and writes this book in order to demonstrate that the Jewish way of life is superior to Hellenistic culture and true wisdom was to be found primarily in Jerusalem and not in Athens. And this is why we find Sirach very traditional and conservative, his work reflected the Sacred Scriptures of Israel namely TANAK i.e. Torah, Nebim, Ketubim.


According to Sirach fear of the Lord is the fundamental thesis and this word is the basis of the book and appears 55 times in this book. According to Sirach wisdom is to follow the Law, if you follow the law, you will be wise. This resembles the rich young man in the Gospel who came to Jesus asking how he could inherit the kingdom of God and Jesus tells him to follow the law. God loves Israel and makes wisdom dwell in her. In 19:20 we read that the whole wisdom is fear of the Lord and in all wisdom there is the fulfillment of the law. Although wisdom holds sway over every land, people and nation (24:6), she received the divine command to make her dwelling in Jacob and her inheritance in Israel (24:8).
Wisdom struck root among the glorious people (24:12a). Thus true wisdom has a domain in Jerusalem (24:11b) and not in Athens or Alexandria. Hence Israelite’s wisdom is superior to Hellenistic wisdom and culture. And we need to ask what is wisdom and 24:23a answers the question that wisdom is Torah. According to Sirach wisdom or fear of the Lord is connected with the love of the Lord and neighbor, hence can you be wise without loving the Lord (2:15-17). Thus the author invites the people to fall into the hands of the Lord.


Ben Sira states that God is one and not many (36:1-5) and He is the creator of all things including wisdom (24:8), God creates by uttering all powerful Word (39:17-18) this refers the creation story of Genesis. Each thing that God makes exist in harmony and balance with the rest of creation and receives all that it needs because God takes care of them (16:26-30). God is merciful and compassionate not only to Israel but to every other living being and thing as well (18:13). God is also righteous and punishes the wickedness of the Jews and Gentiles alike (5:5-6, 16:6-13). Because God is a loving father (51:10), He listens especially to the cry of the poor, orphan and widow (35:17).


In deuteronomy 11:26-28 we see how human beings are given choice by God to choose life or death, whether to obey or disobey God and bear its consequences. Sirach explicitly denies that God is involved in human sin (15:11-13,20). Human sin cannot be imputed to God (15:14-17) because we are free beings and therefore human beings are responsible for their virtuous deeds as well as their sinfulness. We have the options before us whether to become saint or sinner it is in our hand. There is hope for sinner, if he/she turns to God, he/she would be accepted by Him, “How great is the mercy of the Lord, and his forgiveness for those who return to him” (17:25-26, 29).


Sirach follows Proverbs in the traditional doctrine of Retribution, keeping the commandments and keeping the law will have prosperity, happiness and long life. And failure to do so will bring adversity, distress and early death. Rewards and Punishments in an after life were not even considered, after death he/she accepted that saints and sinners went to Sheol, in this way he follows Qoheleth. Thus human beings must seek their complete meaning and fulfillment only in the present life. There is only pointless survival in Sheol (17:27-28). Sufferings make befall the faithful as the test of the loyalty and as a means of purification (2:1-5).
The wicked prosper and the innocent suffer, they may prosper but disaster will come but may be delayed. It may come even in the last hours of life (11:24-28). Sirach did not believe in immortality but there are only two ways of surviving death i) through children (30:4-5) ii) through good name (41:11-13).


According to Sirach prayer is a language of dynamic faith in God. It is spoken correctly only by those who fear God and love him. Sirach speaks highly about priesthood and temple worship in 17:29-31, 45:6-22, 50:1-21, he speaks of ministers, Aaron, Simeon.
Sirach says that prayer, temple sacrifice or worship with beautiful liturgy is worthless if one’s personal morality is not what it should be (34:21-31. The sacrifice itself is an abomination when offered by one who has violated the rights of the poor (34:25). In our days also we see that the rich business men cheat the people, suppress, oppress and crush the people in order to gain something and then in order to hide their evil doing they show off as if they are doing good favour to God by donating lot of money to the temple. However the end does not justify the means and this is why we say our God is a God of Justice and He cannot tolerate any injustice done to any of the despised and the weak. Observance of the moral law is the highest form of sacrifice and worship of God (35:1-5).


For Sirach concern for social justice is far more important and central to authentic religion than any prescribed ritual, no matter how colourful and emotionally satisfying it may be. He encourages to be polite with the poor and be a savior to those who are oppressed. If one treats the poor, orphan and widow gently then he or she will be called the son or daughter of the Most High and He will love them more than their mothers do (4:8-10). Ben Sira gets this idea from Biblical Tradition referred in various books such as “You shall not abuse any widow or orphan” (Exodus. 22:22). In Deuteronomy 24:17-24, it is told how the Israelites should deal with the poor, widow and orphan in justice. Amos who is a prophet for social justice calls the people for establishing justice in the gate which means to be just from deep within (5:10-15). Isaiah states “learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow (1:17).
Sirach instructs not to behave towards the poor as condescending or patronizing way for such conduct is insulting and may anger them and may even curse you to your own ruin. Moreover, he says, “Do not grieve the hungry, or anger one in need. Do not add to the troubles of the desperate, or delay giving to the needy. Do not reject a suppliant in distress, or turn your face away from the poor. Do not avert your eye from the needy, and give no one reason to curse you; for if in bitterness of soul some should curse you, their Creator will hear their prayer” (4:2-6). From this we know how just our God is and desires justice in order that human beings live in a just world, He is very harsh and stern in this matter, this is revealed through the words spoken in the above words of Sirach.


If we glance Sirach’s writings carefully, we find that they are very offensive towards women. The reason for it was that he was living in patriarchal, male dominated society in which a woman had just few rights as a free and independent human being, and was subject to either her father or her husband, they were reduced to property and they had no legal rights. It was legal for a man to sell his daughter as a slave and she could not be free (Ex.21:7) and man could go free after six years (Ex.21:1-2). It is very evident that the Israelites society did not respect women and considered them as one of their animals or possession, which is very degrading and inhuman act. We also perceive that for centuries women were oppressed and denied their human dignity.

It is not Sirach’s intention to instruct women but only young men and hence his vocabulary and grammar is masculine oriented. In the beginning he is very positive about wife in saying, “Do not dismiss a wise and good wife, for her charm is worth more than gold” (7:19). And in 25:8, he says, “Happy the man who lives with a sensible wife”. The same Sirach in the same chapter in 21v says, “Do not be ensnared by a woman’s beauty, and do not desire a woman for her possessions”. And in 40:19,23, we see that wife is better than everything and everyone else. When Ben Sira speaks about mother in 3:2-6 he praises the motherhood and parenthood. In 7:26, we see how Ben Sira praises a pleasing wife and instructs men not to divorce her.
About the daughters Ben Sira asks the father to take care of them and find a sensible partner for her (7:24-25). He speaks about fathers and daughters and it sounds so harsh and towards the end it is said that “Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; it is woman who brings shame and disgrace” (42:9-14

Ben Sira speaks on Adulteress woman and prostitute who lead the young men astray, if anyone is deceived by the beauty of the loose woman he will bring his whole life to destruction (9:1-9). Even an intelligent man can be cheated by prostitute and if he goes into her then he will suffer from syphilis i.e. worm will take possession of him (19:2-3). Sirach says that if any woman goes to another man besides her husband, she disobeys the law of the Most High, she committed an offence against her husband, she through her fornication committed adultery and brought disgrace to the family (23:22-26).


Thus we have investigated the principle teachings in the book of Sirach. Wisdom was imputed to us at our mother’s breast i.e. everyone is born with a grain of wisdom. Sirach’s central theme is fear of the Lord. To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; she is created with the faithful in the womb (2:11-20). This book was used in the early church to instruct the first Christians and now also it has lot of meaning to our present day.          

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