and bad aspects of Inquisition By Xavier James
we analyze the history of the Church, many incidents have taken place which may
be positive or negative in its own way according to that particular situation.
Here I would like to look at the good and bad aspects of a prominent
institution in the Church which is set out in 12th century and
carries out to this day.
What is an inquisition?
inquisition was an ecclesiastical, special, permanent tribunal established by
Pope Gregory IX to combat heresy. Its duty was to seek out the heretics and
convict them. Here we need to understand heresy means an act of deviating from
the original teaching of the Church and heretic is the one who deviates from
the orthodoxy.
Historical Background
inquisition was formally established by Pope Gregory IX in 1233 and staffed by
Dominicans and Franciscans. This was a frightening one as those who are caught
would be tortured and burnt alive. In 12th century a frightening
heresy was spreading throughout Europe known as Catharism, it was a dualistic
religion which denied the value of the material world and it therefore seemed
to the undermined not only the whole sacramental system of the Church but the
fundamental institution of Christian society. Likewise there were many heresies
which shook the faith of the Christians all over Europe, and people were
confused with the true teaching of the Church.
fact, heresy was not the only target of the inquisitors but any offence against
the faith could be punished. When the Church was a baby and growing, she had to
be protected and defended. And certainly in protecting and defending her the
first theology came about and we were sure of our teaching of the Church.
we see the history it is not the papacy fully involved in punishing the heretic
but in giving power to the state which was misused by the statesmen. They
sought out the heretic and killed them. It was not the universal attitude of the
church but developed in later years, as Sts. Augustine and John Chrysostom were
for condemning the heretics but not for giving death penalty. In the 11th
century there was imprisonment alone but in 12th century it was
formulated as an institution. When the state misused the power the Papacy
remained silent and allowed the state to deal with the heretics so cruelly and
The Good and Bad aspects of
Innocent VIII issued a Bull on ‘Sumnivis disiderates’ on ‘anti witch’
activities. Soon after the Bull countless thousands of harmless eccentric women
were burnt alive. In Germany alone 25,000 women were killed three years time.
Similarly, the Spanish monarchy hunted out the Christian who were Muslims and
Jews in the past thinking that they were practicing their old traditions of
worship and killed them. Likewise, in 16th century protestants were
sought out and murdered in Spain.
was needed for that time to encourage and strengthen the people in the
Christian faith by making sure that the people had clear idea about Christianity
but it is an inhuman act to torture, kill and burn alive people who do not
agree with the teaching of the Church. We must acknowledge that through this
people we have learnt the value of our faith.
we know the procedures how the case was dealt with, the delegate examined the
case, the socius was a persona advisor, familliaries were secret agency and
notaries to take down the case and then to produce to the counselors. If one
genuine case goes through the procedure surely it will end up somewhere to
which we are not aware of and there would be stories added to this case.
After Vatican II
to Vatican II which over turned the traditional way of thinking in promoting
Catholic religion. “By declaration on religious liberty, which taught clearly
and unequivocally that freedom of religious thought practice was not the matter
of pragmatic concession in an imperfect world, but a fundamental human right
and aspect of an human dignity and freedom as the children of God”. As we know
at present the inquisition is replaced by CDF i.e. Congregation of Doctrine and
The Humanitarian Pope
John Paul II was sorry for the persecutions and considers them as moral and
religious failure. In the encyclical ‘Tertio Millennio Adveniente’ for the
third millennium he urges the Catholics to enter with clear awareness of all
that has happened in the Church during the last ten centuries and encouraging
the children of God to purify themselves through repentance of the past errors
and instances of infidelity, inconsistency and slowness to act.
one has his/her own right to speak out what one is convinced of. Fr. Tissa
Balasuriya belongs to a congregation which has Mary as its patroness. He is a
theologian and most of the time he might be reflecting on Mother Mary. So when
he spoke out something which he was convinced of Mary he was excommunicated by
the Church.
institution has its own rules and regulations in order to maintain order, it
does not mean that it should disregard the opinion of others. If the Church is
not open to the reality and accept and adopt to the present then there is no
difference between the secular institution in the world and Ecclesiastical institution.
we know the Church has declared the religious liberty and it must be practical
in the hierarchy. We should let people learn the strength and weakness of the
Church so as to attain the TRUTH i.e. God. It is painful that Fr. Antony De
Mello’s books are banned just because they are questioning the traditional way
of thinking of the official Church.
have learnt how the Church has made several mistakes in the past through the
institution of inquisition and how the power was misused. Once one is
excommunicated it is very difficult to come back to the Church and it is even
difficult when Pope has signed and passed the paper. I am proud of the Church
in the case of Fr. Tissa Balasuriya, though he was excommunicated, the Church
lifted the excommunication when he came back. This gives us hope and that must
be appreciated. I gratefully acknowledge the very fact Blessed John Paul II
asked pardon for all the mistakes done by the Church in the past. This also
helps us to understand the value of forgiveness.
E, D. (1999). What about inquisition? Priest and
People , vol.13 No.1.
M, E. (1987). The Encyclopedia of Religion Vol VII.
New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
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