Saturday, 3 November 2012

Thoughts on Human Person by Xavier James L.S.

Thoughts on Human Person By Xavier James.

  • Human person is the product of his own individuality and of society. The individuality makes the person unique from all other human beings in the society. The society has its own conditioning in making a person such an individual.
  • Every human being longs for freedom, whether one understands freedom fully or not. Everyone wants to be free and will not like unnecessary interference from other human beings. 
  • Once human person is programmed in one way of living, it is very difficult for one to be reprogrammed. Programming affects the life of an individual, society and the growth of personality on the whole.
  • Society and surroundings have drawn a line or norm. And all are expected and must walk on the same or follow it. If anyone goes away from it then one is labeled as deviant or rebel.
  • Often human person is not aware of what one is doing. The day one comes to the state of awareness then one is totally changed person because one is challenged.
  • Every human being wants to be free, and if one aspires for a true freedom then one will help others who are deprived of this freedom to achieve it.
  • Human person appreciates one’s body but certain religious denominations teach human being to ill treat the body by focusing on soul or self. 
  • Human person is a dynamic person. Sometimes one is tempted to be static because of the situation which is out one’s control.
  • Human being is very much attached to things, places and persons. Detachment from what one is attached to takes time.
  • Human person has a deep desire or constant thirst for God in one’s life. And one often looks forward to achieve this.
  • If human person is religious being then one is totally dependent on God. One lives in the mercy of God.
  • Human person is a thinking being and precisely this is the reason one is considered to be great among all creation.
  • In human person there is a hidden world, sometimes it is so dark that one finds difficult to enter in and when one finally enters, it is so bright that one becomes transparent.
  • Every human being loves to be in the company of other person when one is deprived of this then one feels miserable.
  • Every human is a unique gift to this world and there is no Xerox copy.
  • Every person wants to be free and wants to make others free, but certain times the situation binds one to act in a particular manner.
  • Human being is able to transcend, one has more abilities in oneself. One is never satisfied with given situation and wants to transcend.
  • Each one is an individual who lives in a particular society, who has one’s social conditioning and one’s interpersonal relationship plays a vital role in life.
  • Hatred is planted in every human person. Where there is virtue there is vice so also when there is love there is hatred. Hatred is not something distant or abnormal to human.
  • Human person is a loving being, one need not be taught to love because one is lovable by nature.
  • Every person enjoys the pleasurable company and avoids the painful company.
  • There are two kinds of love: personal love and natural love are part and partial of human beings.
  • Some men and women will be united in personal love so much that this leads to a conjugal love.
  • For human person death is not an end in itself because of hope he lives on.
  • True religious beings are not afraid of death because they have hope.

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