Friday, 30 November 2012

Some Thoughts on Spiritualiy by Xavier James L.S.


My relationship with God is very dear to me. I experience and enjoy it usually in my daily life in and through the relationship with others. God has not only made me, but has called me to be a disciple. What else can I do, except to be ever grateful and to love, serve and care for His people to the best of my abilities.

A well known ‘man of God’ has said, “Spirituality is reality which is neither visible nor sensible because it is eternity”. We first should consider the question of reality. It is only in the light that one is able to see oneself well. When one perceives oneself well, he/she is able to see not only his/her strength and virtues, but also one’s faults. Knowing one’s shortcomings, often leads to desiring to overcome them, so as to grow in the perfection to which we are called, namely to be with God eternally. 

Change and growth are pleasing words, but we know quite well that in reality it is often very difficult. This is often so because it is not easy to accept oneself. Change demands not only true knowledge but also an ability to accept ourselves as we seem to be, and move with hope to what we are called to become. If we are ashamed of ourselves or not ready to see ourselves as persons with limitations, then we cannot expect to change nor to become better men and women of God. As the darkness cannot tolerate the light, so also when we are surrounded in the brilliance of the Absolute, if we are open to it, we are invited to a greater freedom, which increases within us a delicate sensitivity, a delight in virtue and a commitment to the Truth.

Spirituality is also considered to be a thirst for God. In the words of Psalmist, “My God and my Lord, I seek you, my soul thirst for you, because your steadfast love is better than life”. Now although we experience thirst, we do not see it. It is invisible. This invisible thirst for God, can only be quenched through our yearning hearts which express itself in and through prayer. We have all had this experience of prayer in our early lives. We have also experienced the grave importance of prayer. Yet, since the effects of prayer are not usually visible, there is a real danger that soon, if we are not careful, we tend to give up our daily practice of prayer. At first, there seems to be no visible effects, no visible changes for the worst. Yet, sooner rather than later, a man or woman of God, who is praying, ends up cheating oneself and very often others too. Spirituality tending to eternity, always demands a constant search for God, a constant yearning for Prayer.

An added advantage of our constant relationship with God is that it continuously challenges us to a life of commitment not of escapism. Hence, being united with God, we are often reminded of who we are called to become. This regular reminder often has a lasting impact on our daily behavior. So for example, when our human weaknesses try to get the better of us, it is due to our contact with God that we are often able to overcome them.  In other words, we are helped to face and overcome the problems and struggles that we undergo in our day to day lives.

Spirituality also touches eternity. Swami P Vincent says, “We are created by God hence we depend on God, we are created for God hence we belong to God”. So spirituality brings about a union of the human with Divine. This union is not a sudden, once and for all one. Usually it develops and flowers over a long period of time. Swami P Vincent speaks about five different stages on our way to blooming on the road to spirituality:
1. Bud Stage: Self centered attitude, being engrossed with oneself.
2. Initial Opening Stage: Coloring stage where God sees the hidden desire within.
3. Total Opening Stage: Scent stage when others too are attracted by good life.
4. Honey Service Stage: Sacrifice what is most precious to gain eternity.
5. Fading Away Stage: Total surrender without any reserve to the Lord.

Each of us is unique. We are the miracles of God’s creation. We are created to be different, we are called to be different, we are chosen to be different; yet we all share the same goal, namely to gain Him. All else is secondary. So let us be clear about our goal. Our motto and ceaselessly work for it without fail. It is the constant trying that reality matters, not the present attaining the goal. Despite our frequent falls, are we able to rise again, stand up and walk ahead on this path to God? 

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