Thursday, 20 March 2025

Stations of the Cross in the families of Palanpur Parish.

 Stations of the Cross in the families

As the Sacred season of lent began, Lenten traditional observances followed the season. In Palanpur parish, stations of the Cross is conducted on Fridays in the Church and other days in different families in various languages. It is worth noting that many friends and neighbours of the family members too join in praying the way of the Cross.

Stations of the Cross and Holy Mass at Tresa aunty, Bindhu chechi's home in Iqbalgadh.


St. Joseph's Feast

 St. Joseph's Grotto Feast

The solemn feast of St. Joseph was celebrated at Palanpur Church on 19th March 2025 with the Holy Eucharist. There is a grotto of St. Joseph in the Church campus which was built in memory of Mr. Alex Daniel, a man who was instrumental in buying the Church land along with Fr. Thomas Kolady. The grotto was built by Jessy Alex, Arlin and Anushka. The parishioners and the boarding children took active participation in the feast day celebration. After the Holy Eucharist, prayer was said before the grotto of St. Joseph and Aarati was taken in front of Mother Mary's grotto. Jessy Alex and Arlin gave snacks to all who were present and made the day grand one.