Saturday 16 October 2021

Archbishop Thomas Macwan, SSSS staff visit Project areas of Nutrition on World Food Day

On 16th October 2021, His Grace Archbishop Thomas Macwan, SSSS staff and Sr. Asuntha CCV visited the project areas of Nanakantharia parish in Aravalli district. The first visit was to Ramela village. Archbishop saw many kitchen gardens, which were prepared by the women and distributed fruit saplings to encourage them with organic food. The second visit was to Kagdamaguda. Being nutrition week, the women prepared different traditional food and brought. Archbishop and SSSS staff tasted and encouraged the women to abolish malnutrition from their families. Kudos to Sr. Asuntha for her hard work. Thus, World Food Day was celebrated in a meaningful manner. SSSS, Archdiocese of Gandhinagar is grateful to Manos Unidas, Spain for their support to carry on good work.

Archbishop visits project areas of Nanakantharia parish with SSSS staff.