Thursday 30 May 2024

SSSS activities

 Caritas Visit to SSSS

Caritas Disability expert Ms. Sangita visited SSSS on 27th May 2024. Fr. Xavier James and SSSS staff accompanied her to Sector 6 in Gandhinagar, where she met the migrants and after interacting with them distributed the various scheme cards. Then they went to Vavol to meet 2 persons with disabilities and interacted with them about the schemes of government. Thereafter they went to Chatral and met 3 persons with disabilities and interacted with them and was glad to note that SSSS is doing much good to these migrants who are specially abled. She met the SSSS staff and appreciated them and encouraged them to do more good to the migrants and specially abled.


The New Director visits Aravalli District

Fr. Xavier James and Fr. Deepak Toppo, the new Director of SSSS and SSSS staff visited Nanakantharia and met Sr. Asuntha and all the animators on 28th May 2024. The women welcomed Fr. Deepak and thanked Fr. Xavier James. Fr. Xavier briefed Fr. Deepak about the projects, which are going on at present. Then they went to Pahadiya, where they met Sr. Julie and all the women who welcomed Fr. Deepak and thanked Fr. Xavier James. Thereafter, they went to Khiloda and Sr. Prafulla, Fr. Martin and all the animators welcomed Fr. Deepak and thanked Fr. Xavier James. Fr. Deepak interacted with them, thus he gained grass root knowledge of the project and the persons behind the endeavor.


First Staff meeting of the New Director

On 29th May 2024, SSSS staff had its regular monthly meeting and Frs. Xavier James and Deepak Toppo were present. This is the first staff meeting for the new Director. After the prayer everyone is welcomed by the staff and the minutes of the previous meeting is read. Thereafter each project coordinators read out their activity report and also presented monthly plan for the following month. The Accountant presented the financial report. Fr. Xavier James thanked everyone for the team work. Fr. Deepak asked the team to continue the good work.  


New Director among the migrants

On 30th May 2024, Frs. Xavier James, Deepak Toppo visited Migrant Resource Centre at Sector 6 and Help Desk in Gandhinagar. Fr. Deepak, the new Director of SSSS distributed various scheme cards to the migrant daily wagers. Kudos to SSSS staff for their tireless work!

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